by Sharman Ramsey
Fifty years ago, when I received my BSE from the College of Education at the University of Alabama, the methods now taught would have been considered academic child abuse. Accusations abound blaming too little psychology in schools along with guns being the cause of all the deaths and violence in our schools. I propose we consider another problem--the psychology that is already going on in the classrooms.
Abraham Maslow is considered the father of the Human Potential/Self Esteem Movement. After a lecture at Sacred Heart in 1962, Abraham Maslow noted in a diary entry that the talk had been 'successful,' and that 'They shouldn't applaud me. They should attack me. If they were fully aware of what I was doing, they would attack.'" The Journals of A. H. Maslow, p. 157; Nuns and Midshipmen by Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson 4 July 2001; The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt, By Timothy Matthews, Issue: March 2009,
"In fact, a large part of what we call "good teaching" is the teacher's ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the student's fixed beliefs and getting them to discuss issues." David Krathwohl, Benjamin Bloom, etc. Taxonomy of Educational Objective Book 2 Affective Domain page 54. (Looks like Social Emotional Learning SEL)
And now, “constructivism” has gained prominence in education.
The essential components in constructivist theory are to "elicit prior knowledge, create cognitive dissonance, and apply the knowledge with feedback and reflection on learning. These components are best utilized in project-based, cooperative, learning activities that reflect elements with meaning to, or are relevant to the students’ lives and community."
Cognitive dissonance is a term I remember from fifty years ago. Back then it was not considered something positive.
As a consequence of cognitive dissonance, “you might find yourself engaging in behaviors that are opposed to your own beliefs often for work, school, or a social situation. This might involve going along with peer pressure or doing something at work to avoid getting fired.”
“Cognitive dissonance can often have a powerful influence on our behaviors and actions. It doesn't just influence how you feel; it also motivates you to take action to reduce feelings of discomfort Theories in Cognitive Psychology, “What is Cognitive Dissonance?" By Kendra Cherry, July 29, 2022.
Where do we find constructivism in our schools? It begins in Early Childhood instruction. It is a part of Social Emotional and Ethical Learning (SEE). The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics encourages the move away from the traditional emphasis on computational skills like multiplication tables and algorithms—a teaching method that university mathematicians still favor but that many K–12 math teachers dismiss as “drill and kill.” Teachers (particularly liberal and left-leaning teachers) instead use a “constructivist” or “discovery-based” pedagogy, sometimes called “fuzzy math.” Dr. Marilyn Strutchens, a former member of the Board of Directors for the National Council of Teachers, and Dr. W. Gary Martin of Auburn continue to promote constructivist, also called “common core,” "math.”
What is its purpose?
As Michael Bentley of the University of Tennessee said in a speech in Mexico, “Critical constructivism is not just one more way to address and achieve the ends that are valued in the dominant educational reform movement. We concur with Elliot Eisner (2003) in that, ‘the function of schools is surely not primarily to enable students to do well on tests, or even to do well in school itself.” (p. 651) Rather the purpose of critical constructivism is to bring about a greater personal and social consciousness in our students and “to enable students to become the architects of their own education so that they can invent themselves during the course of their lives.’” (Eisner, 2003, 652)
Kevin Jennings, former Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, appointed by Barach Obama, wrote the foreword for the book, Queering Elementary Education.
“In his own writings and books listed on the GLSEN Website, Kevin Jennings has given tacit nods of approval to sex between young teens and adults. In addition to that, the writings and books, many of which I've read and are incredibly graphic, seem to normalize early teen same-sex sexual behaviors...It is unconscionable. This is educational malpractice and child corruption." -- Linda Harvey, Mission America, article from World Net Daily
And even more alarming, Kevin Jennings was endorsed by these organizations listed on the GLSEN website: National Association of School Psychologists, Learning First Alliance, the National Education Association, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the Council for Exceptional Children, Social Workers Association of America and the American Federation of Teachers.
Is this the curriculum you want for your child?
It is little wonder that these conflicting messages bombarding the innocent minds of our children create cognitive dissonance eventually manifesting itself in violent behavior.